What is MythoBlogy?
Blog about mythology. And more.
This site follows the mythical paths winding among art, history, literature, science, movies, games and almost all other features of our culture and civilization. Ancient and contemporary, real and fictional, mental and physical, and sometimes spiritual.
Nowadays some tend to think that humanity walked a long way from its archaic cradle to the great modernity. And they are right but still there are so many strings binding our reality to the times of our ancestors. Our goal is to track these connections, to find the links, to bring back what might seem forgotten. And we want to invite you to join our travel and help us on the way.
And who are we?
We are the myth geeks, the storytellers, the thought trackers, the art lovers, the wayfarers, the sightseers, the truth seekers and the treasure finders. We want to learn and are happy to teach, to gather and to share, to recover the old and to create the new, to experience and to inspire, to listen and to talk.
And we love good music, decent food and to behold nature with clear sky above.
Follow us and eventually become one of us.
As we are the Ajoj Majoj Team.
And our main goal is to bring the mighty Encyclopaedia of Mythology of Indo-European People to the world.