Werewolf (I)

“Morkvarg” by Marek Madej.


(old eng. “Man-Wolf”)

in Germanic mythology human with ability to turn into a ➚ wolf. While transformed, it attacked other people and cattle at night. Its direct analogues are: German Werwolf, Norwegian and Swiss varulf, Danish vaerulf and Dutch weerwolf. Compare with MARDAGAYL; VILKTAKAS; WEREWOLF-II.


W. H e r t z, Der Werwolf, Stuttgart 1862; S. B a r i n g – G o u l d, The Book of Werewolfs, London 1865; M. S u m m e r s, The Werewolf, London 1933; K. M ü l l e r, Die Werwolfssage, Karlsruhe 1937; W. K r o l l, Etwas zum Werwolf, “Wiener Studien” 55, 1937.


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