Echidna (II)

“Singing snake” by Sophia Michailidou.

ECHIDNA (II) (gr. Échidna „She-Viper” )

in Greekized Scythian myth serpentine virgin living in the cave in the land of Hylea (at Pontus Euxinus). Echidna hid the horses of ➚ Heracles, while he was returning from the expedition for ➚ Geryon cattle. When the hero found her lair, she promised to return the horses in exchange for love. Three sons were born from this relationship: Agathyrsus, Gelonus and ➚ Scythes [1,2].


[1] H d t., IV, 9 f.;  [2] D i o d., II, 43.

I. I. T o l s t o y, Chernomorskaya legenda o Gerakle i zmeyenogoy deve’, in: Statyi o folklore, Moscow– Leningrad 1966.


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