ECHIDNA (I) (gr. Échidna „She-Viper” )
in Greek mythology monstrous woman with serpentine legs, offspring of ➚ Phorcis and Ceto [1] or ➚ Tartarus and ➚ Gaia [2], and according to the Orphic tradition – daughter of ➚ Phanes [3]. From her relationships with ➚ Typhon and ➚ Geryon the following monsters were born: ➚ Chimera, ➚ Sphinx, ➚ Phaia, ➚ Orthrus, ➚ Cerberus, ➚ Lernaean Hydra and dragon guarding the golden apples of ➚ Hesperides [4-8]. Echidna dwelled in some Cilician cave (later in ➚ Hades-2) and murdered the passers-by, until she got killed in her sleep by ➚ Argus (2) [2].
[1] H e s., Theog., 295 ff.; [2] A p d., II, 1, 2; [3] A t h e n a g o r., Legat., 20; [4] A p d., II, 3, 1; [5] A p d., II, 5, 10 f.; [6] A p d., III, 5, 8; [7] A p d., Epit., I, 1; [8] H e s., Theog., 309.
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